Sam Goldstein

About Sam Goldstein

Sam’s educational and work background spans a diverse range. With a certification in Landscape Architecture from Merritt College and a Fine Arts degree in painting, the visual arts have long been her calling. Recently, her love of writing has led her down a new path towards blogging, journalism and editing.
7 12, 2023

Structures in the Landscape

By |2024-01-19T04:26:25-08:00December 7th, 2023|Categories: Landscape Design|

Structures in the Landscape In nearly every garden style, constructed elements play a role in defining space for an inviting outdoor experience.  Gates and trellises, pergolas and cabanas- landscape structures have the power to transform a garden. The variety of styles gives infinite possibility to these elements, allowing a landscape’s unique [...]

31 08, 2023

Embellishing The Landscape

By |2024-01-19T04:26:26-08:00August 31st, 2023|Categories: Landscape Design|

Embellishments For The Landscape In creating outdoor living spaces, design is often in the details!  Whether designing a landscape from scratch or adding to the existing landscape, stylistic embellishments can completely change the overall effect of the space.  Embellishments personalize the home landscape and reflect your unique style, for a fun, relaxing outdoor [...]

30 08, 2023

On Decks

By |2024-01-19T04:26:27-08:00August 30th, 2023|Categories: Landscape Design|

On Decks A J. Montgomery Deck on the cover of Sunset's 'Complete Deck Book' For a moment here in California, it seemed like decks were going out of style. Wood was being replaced with stone and concrete terraces, as homeowners began to work with the contours of their land and defy [...]

25 07, 2023

Infinity-Edge Pools

By |2024-01-19T04:26:28-08:00July 25th, 2023|Categories: Landscape Design|

Approaching Infinity: Infinity-edge Pools One of our long-time favorite design features would have to be the Infinity-edge Pool.  With an elegance that borders on the impossible, these breathtaking pools are one amazing statement with infinite possibility. Invisible Edge In math, zero and infinity are somewhat twin mysteries.  The [...]

12 07, 2023

Home Vegetable Garden

By |2024-03-14T16:02:13-07:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Invest Into Lifestyle|Tags: , , , , |

HOME-GROWN GROCERIES If you haven’t grown your own food before, it’s the perfect time to start.  We feel it’s one of those things that is simple to learn but can take a lifetime to master.  We aren’t masters yet by any means, but we do learn more each year, and since [...]

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