Sam Goldstein

About Sam Goldstein

Sam’s educational and work background spans a diverse range. With a certification in Landscape Architecture from Merritt College and a Fine Arts degree in painting, the visual arts have long been her calling. Recently, her love of writing has led her down a new path towards blogging, journalism and editing.
28 12, 2020

Trendspotting 2021

By |2024-01-19T04:35:19-08:00December 28th, 2020|Categories: Invest Into Lifestyle|

Trendspotting 2021 We won’t be the first to express excitement about leaving 2020 behind.  There’s really no need to elaborate… we’re singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ for the days when we could see our favorite people in person.  But this New Year’s our hope for the future is strong.  We thought we’d [...]

13 12, 2020

Winter Décor From the Garden

By |2024-01-19T04:35:19-08:00December 13th, 2020|Categories: Plants! Plants! Plants!|

Winter Décor From the Garden Every year around this time, we love bringing nature into our homes to make things feel seasonal and bright on the longest nights, whatever holidays we do or don’t celebrate.  While you can of course buy wintery décor at local stores and nurseries, we prefer to [...]

16 11, 2020

Historic Landscapes

By |2024-01-19T04:35:21-08:00November 16th, 2020|Categories: Landscape Design, Media|Tags: , , , , , |

Link to the Past - Local Historic Landscapes Northern California is a treasure trove of historic Landscape Architecture, from the 1,000 acres of Golden Gate Park to Woodside’s Filoli Gardens. While the cities have changed with time, these places remain as charming today as when they were first created. We believe [...]

5 10, 2020

Deer-Resistant Plantings

By |2024-01-19T04:35:21-08:00October 5th, 2020|Categories: Plants! Plants! Plants!|

Oh, Deer… Deer-Resistant Plantings Beautiful and graceful deer are a gem of Northern California’s wildlife, but when they are feasting on your garden, they can be voracious enough to drive a gardener crazy!  So how do you prevent deer from mowing down anything they can reach?  While not always totally untouched, these are [...]

27 07, 2020

Planting Under Oaks

By |2024-01-19T04:35:22-08:00July 27th, 2020|Categories: Plants! Plants! Plants!|

Planting Under Oaks Of the many icons of the Northern California landscape, the oak is both a beautiful and impressive individual.  Both inland Valley Oaks and the Coast Live Oak can live to hundreds of years, grow into beautiful gravity-defying specimens, and support entire habitats within their surroundings.  If such a [...]

15 06, 2020


By |2024-01-19T04:35:23-08:00June 15th, 2020|Categories: Invest Into Lifestyle|

Notes From The Garden The J. Montgomery Studio Garden is more than just a spec garden for our clients.  It’s where some of us live and others of us work, a place of garden experimentation, and lately a shelter-in-place oasis.  It has also undergone many transformations over the years.  Though we design [...]

6 05, 2020

Transitional & Timeless

By |2024-01-19T04:35:23-08:00May 6th, 2020|Categories: Landscape Design|Tags: , , , , |

Transitional & Timeless “The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus (circa 500 BCE) The nature of change is something that has been on our minds lately, and we’ve been applying an idea that is central to our design philosophy to our everyday life.  The balance of things that change [...]

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