‘Screen Alternative’ Landscapes

The digital age has so much to offer us these days in terms of connection, but when it comes to reconnecting with ourselves, we find that nature is really what we need. Which got us thinking – Isn’t that what Outdoor Living is kind of about? We create outdoor spaces that call in ways that the screen can’t, getting adults and kids alike away from our devices and out into the landscape, where we believe a different kind of connection happens.

When we’re trying to reconnect, we find that coming back to basics is where it’s at. Cool flagstones beneath bare feet, the smell of freshly watered earth, and the sun on our shoulders is what brings us back to self. When we slow down long enough to notice, there are constant surprises surrounding us as well. There’s that new type of bug we haven’t seen before, the colors that emerge in a piece of slate after the rain, the lichen growing on the trunk of a tree.
In designing a landscape, we keep these kinds of experiences in mind. A path winds under trees so that the dappled shade makes walking all the more lovely. The coffee table is positioned for optimal morning sun, while flowers chosen to attract hummingbirds bring a thrilling aerial show (unfortunately not narrated by David Attenborough, but way more lifelike.) We find that the more we “place” ourselves in the landscape we are creating, the more we can actually design for these unique experiences.
Play Time

No matter your age, we think that playing outdoors is crucial to quality of life. Ok, we don’t have any scientific proof of this statement, only our own experiences, but we’re standing by it. When it comes to “play” we also have very broad definitions. While swings and sports courts are obvious sites for play for some folks, for others it might be wrestling with the dog, collecting leaves, making rock sculptures, or playing make-believe. And yes, we’re talking to the adult daydreamers out there as well as the kids. To us, playing outdoors even for a little bit each day relaxes and invigorates like no amount of screen time can.
Learning & Creating

Speaking of play, some of us have this need to constantly be doing projects as our particular form of unwinding, right? We see you. One of our favorite uses of technology is for learning how to do, well, basically anything. So when a question or idea comes up, it can turn into an internet search, followed by a tutorial video, and before we know it we’ve gone and planted a new garden or learned how to crochet under a backyard tree. A long-time favorite is researching how to make things from our garden, whether they be natural dyes or jam, and then of course making a big mess while we learn how!
If you’re looking to design your new yard this year, we’d love to connect with you! Click the ‘contact’ button below and send us a message.